para pahlawan negara kita, "INDONESIA"

Posted by hero's

indonesia saat ini sudah semakin berkembang, semakin maju, dan semakin jaya,,
hal ini bisa kita rasakan jika dibandingkan dengan zaman dulu saat negara kita ini dijajah ratusan tahun oleh negara-negara penjajah, dan yang lebih parahnya, rakyat indonesia dijadikan budak yang dapat dipermainkan(dihina, dicacimaki, dipekerjakan secara paksa,dll) oleh negara-negara penjajah layaknya boneka yang diam yang sedang dimainkan sesuka hati...
tapi dizaman sekarang hal itu tidak mungkin kita rasakan kembali karena negara kita sudah MERDEKA...!!!
bahkan saat ini kita tinggal menikmati hasil dari kemerdekaan itu..
menikmati seluruh negara kita dengan segala isinya...

pada saat kita menikmati itu semua, pernahkah kita untuk berfikir siapa sich yang berjuang membela negara kita untuk meraih kemerdekaan??!!

saya yakin diera zaman sekarang rakyat indonesia banyak yang belum mengenal siapa-siapa saja yang telah membela perjuangan kemerdekaan negara kita sendiri yaitu negara indonesia tercinta.

dengan dasar itulah saya ingin mengingat kembali para pahlawan pejuang bangsa kita..
ya... minimal kita mengetahui siapa saja para pahlawan pejuang bangsa kita itu..

berikut nama-nama para pahlawan pejuang bangsa indonesia:

Sultan Hasanuddin

Sultan Hasanuddin • Hasyim Asyari • Hazairin • Ignatius Slamet Rijadi • Ilyas Yakoub • Imam Bonjol, Tuanku • Iskandar Muda, Sultan • Ida Anak Agung Gde Agung • Ismail Marzuki • Iswahyudi, Marsma • Iwa Kusuma Sumantri, Prof.Dr • Izaak Huru Doko • Jatikusumo, G.P.H • Jelantik, I Gusti Ketut • Karel Satsuit Tubun, AIP •

Abdul Harris Nasution • Abdul Kadir • Abdul Muis • Abdul Rahman Saleh • Achmad Ri’fai • Adam Malik • Adenan Kapau Gani • Ageng Tirtayasa, Sultan • Agus Salim, H • Ahmad Dahlan, Kiai Haji • Ahmad Yani, Jenderal • Amir Hamzah, Tengku • Andi Abdullah Bau Massepe • Andi Djemma • Andi Mappanyukki • Andi Sultan Daeng Radja • Antasari, Pangeran • Arie Frederik Lasut • Sultan Arung Matoa • Ayokrokusumo, Sultan Agung • Bagindo Azizchan • Basuki Rahmat, Jenderal • Cik Di Tiro, Teungku • Cilik Riwut • Cut Nyak Dhien • Cut Nyak Meutia • Dewi Sartika •


Diponegoro, Pangeran • Djuanda Kartawidjaja • Douwes Dekker, Setiabudi • Fakhruddin, H • Fatmawati • Ferdinand Lumbantobing • Fisabilillah, Raja Haji • Frans Kaisiepo • Gatot Mangkoepradja • Gatot Subroto, Jenderal • Halim Perdana Kusuma • Hamengku Buwono I, Sri Sultan • Hamengku Buwono IX, Sri Sultan • Harun • Haryono M.T, Letnan Jenderal • Hasan Basry, Brigadir Jenderal •


Kartini, R.A • Katamso Darmokusumo, Brigadir Jenderal •Ki Hajar Dewantara • Kiras Bangun (Garamata) • Kusumah Atmaja, Dr.SH • La Madukelleng • Mahmud Badaruddin II, Sultan • Mangkunegoro, K.G.P.A.A • Maria Walanda Maramis • Martadinata R.E, Laksamana Laut • Martha Christina Tiahahu • Marthen Indey • Mas Mansur, Kiai Haji • Maskoen Soemadiredja • Moestopo, Mayjen TNI (Purn.) Prof. dr. • Mohammad Hatta, Drs • Mohammad Husni Thamrin • Mohamad Roem • Mohammad Yamin, Prof, SH • Muhammad Isa Anshary • Muwardi, dr • Nani Wartabone H • Ngurah Rai, I Gusti, Kolonel • Noer Alie • Nuku Muhammad Amiruddin • Nyai Ahmad Dahlan • Nyak Arif, Teuku • Nyi Ageng Serang • Opu Daeng Risadju • Oto Iskandardinata • Pajonga Daeng Ngalie Karaeng Polongbangkeng • Pakubuwono VI, Sri Susuhunan • Panjaitan D.I, Mayor Jenderal • Parada Harahap •


Kapitan Pattimura • Pierre Tandean, Kapten • Pong Tiku • Radin Inten II • Raja Ali Haji • Rasuna Said, HJ Rangkayo • Robert Wolter Monginsidi • Saharjo, Dr. SH • Sam Ratulangi, G.S.S.J, Dr • Samanhudi, Kiai Haji • Slamet Riyadi, Ign. • Silas Papare •

Sisingamangaraja XII

Sisingamangaraja XII • Siswondo Parman, Letnan Jenderal • Soekarno • Sudirman, Jenderal • Sugiono, Kolonel • Sugijopranoto, S.J, Msgr • Suharso, Prof. Dr • Suhartinah Suharto • Sukarjo Wiryopranoto • Supeno • Supomo, Prof. Mr. Dr • Suprapto R, Letnan Jenderal • Suprijadi • Suroso R.P • Suryo • Suryopranoto, R.M • Sutan Syahrir • Sutomo, dr • Sutoyo Siswomiharjo, Mayor Jenderal • Syarif Kasim II, Sultan • Syech Yusuf Tajul Khalwati • Tambusai, Tuanku • Tengku Rizal Nurdin • Teuku Muhammad Hasan • Teuku Umar • Thaha Sjaifuddin, Sultan • Tirto Adhi Soerjo, R.M • Tjipto Mangunkusumo, dr. • Tjokroaminoto, Haji Oemar Said • Untung Suropati • Urip Sumohardjo, Letnan Jenderal • Usman • Wage Rudolf Supratman • Wahid Hasyim • Wahidin Sudirohusodo • Wilhelmus Zakaria Johannes

Learning from ants...?!

Posted by hero's

Here is a story that I took from one of my favorite books "Fight like a tiger Win Like a Champion" written by Imam Munadhi Darmawangsa tendered.

So what lessons can we take away from the ants.


Ants never give up, if you ever tried to stop the road then a row of ants are they going to stop? No, they will try to pass these obstacles by all means, either play through left, right, or climb obstacles. Ants never stopped trying to find a way out.


Ants are always thinking about the winter during the summer, the habit of working hard and getting ready before the barriers come is characteristic of the nation of ants. They realized that the summer will not happen until they have been constantly gathering material to prepare for the possibility of bad food in winter.

Ants always think of summer when winter progresses, the ants are a people who can not wait to always work and achievement. They will always look forward to the summer where they can to launch its activities.

A keen sense of smell on every occasion, ants are always looking for opportunities earlier than other animals. "There are sugar ants," they're not going to waste the opportunity when it comes to those opportunities.

Collect as many as the number of results in the summer, the nation ants never discuss how the results should they get, they love to work hard and always want to optimize their best

I think the personal habits of ants to achieve enviable whatever our ideals. In addition to working hard yes of course we also have to work smart in order not wasteful of energy. If an ant problem, we have, why do not we try


beautiful patient

Posted by hero's

Ibrahim al-Khawwash may Allaah have mercy saying, "The Nature of patience that is firmly on top of the Scripture and as-Sunna." (Al-Minhaj Sharh Sahih Muslim [3 / 7]). Ibn 'Atha' may Allaah have mercy saying, "Patience is a response to disasters with adab / good way." (Al-Minhaj Sharh Sahih Muslim [3 / 7]). Abu Ali ad-Daqqaq may Allaah have mercy saying, "The nature of the patient are not protesting something that had been established in destiny. As for revealing what had happened during the not-for complaining to the creature-it does not negate the patience. "(Al-Minhaj Sharh Sahih Muslim [3 / 7])

following some kind of patience:

al-Hafiz Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali may Allaah have mercy saying, "Patience is praised there are several types: [1] patiently on obedience to God 'Almighty, [2] as well as away from the patient in disobedience to God' Almighty, [ 3] and then wait in a fate that was painful to bear. Patience in obedience and patience to run away from things that are forbidden in the main more than patient in dealing with the fate that was painful ... "(Jami 'al-Ulum wa al-Hikam, pp. 279)

Shaykh as-Sa'di may Allaah have mercy saying, "The patient in performing obedience to God and away from the patient in disobedience to Him, then it is clear to everyone that they are part of the faith. In fact, those two things is the principal and branches. Because the essence of faith as a whole is the patience to fulfill what God loved and blessed Him and to continually draw closer to Him, so too must wait in away from the things forbidden by God. And also because this religion actually pivot on three main points: [1] confirmed the news of Allah and His Messenger, [2] the commandments of God and His apostles, and [3] avoid the restrictions both ... "(al-Qaul as-Sadid Maqashid fi at-Tawhid, pp. 105-106)

Patience is the character of the apostles

Allah ta'ala says (which means), "It has been denied the Messengers before you and they even put up with actions such disbelieving, and they were hurt until Our help came to them." (Surat al-An'am: 34)

Patience led to happiness in life

Allah ta'ala says (which means), "By the time, indeed all human beings truly are in loss, Except those who believe, of pious charity, advising one another in righteousness and honor one another to patience." (Qur'an - 'Ashr: 1-3)

Umar ibn Khatthab radhiyallahu'anhu said, "We managed to get the best of our livelihood by way of patience." (Narrated by Bukhari in mu'allaq firmly, dimaushulkan by Ahmad in az-Zuhd with isnaad valid, see Fath al-Bari [11 / 342] CET. Dar al-Hadith year 1424 H)

Patient sustaining faith

From Shuhaib radhiyallahu'anhu, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "It was amazing to affairs of a believer. Indeed all the business it was good for him. And it does not exist except on myself a believer. If he gets any pleasure so he was grateful, then it is good for him. If he hit hard and he was patient, then it is also a good for him. "(Narrated by Muslim [2999] See al-Minhaj Sharh Sahih Muslim [9 / 241])

Ibn Mas'ud radhiyallahu'anhu said, "Patience is half of faith." (Narrated by Abu Nu'aim in al-Hilyah and al-Bayhaqi in az-Zuhd, see Fath al-Bari [1 / 62] and [11 / 342]). It was narrated that 'Ali ibn Abi Talib radhiyallahu'anhu said, "Patience for the faith like the head of the body. If patience was gone then vanished also the faith. "(Narrated by Ibn Abi 'Abd al Muttalib in Mushannafnya [31 079] and al-Bayhaqi in al-Iman Syu'ab [40], the early part of this atsar attenuated by al-Albani in al Da'eef -Jami '[3535], see also Saheeh al-Jami wa Da'eef' as-Shaghir [17/121] al-Syamilah Maktabah software).

Patience penepis defamation

Abu Malik al-Ash'ari radhiyallahu'anhu, Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "... And my patience is a light-hot-..." (Narrated by Muslim [223], see al-Minhaj Sharh Sahih Muslim [3 / 6] CET. Dar Ibn al-Haitsam year 2003). Ibn al-Qayyim, may Allaah have mercy saying, "... Defamation doubtful with a conviction can be ignored, while slander lust can be ignored with patience. Hence, Allah the Glorified make religious leadership in this case depends on the second. Allah says (which means), "And We made them leaders who provide guidance to the commands us when they can be patient and always believe in Our Signs." (Surah as-Sajdah: 24). This shows that with patience and confidence that supplies will be achieved leadership in matters of religion. God also combine both in his word (which means), "They advised each other in truth and advised each other to carry out patience." (Surat al-'Ashr: 3). Advise each other in the truth is doubtful because in order to resolve libel, while mutual patience is advised to carry out because in order to curb defamation lust ... "(quoted from the ADH-Dhau 'al-Munir' ala Tafsir at-compiled by Shaykh 'Ali ash-Shalihi [5 / 134], see also al-Lahfan Ighatsat pp. 669)

Patience led to the guidance for the heart

Allah ta'ala says (which means), "It's not overwrite an accident, except with the permission of Allah. Whoever believes in Allah then Allah will give clues into her heart. "(Surat at-Taghabun: 11)

Ibn Kathir al-A'masy point to testimony from Abu Dhabyan. Abu Dhabyan said, "Once we sat down together Alqomah, when he read this verse 'He who believes in Allah then Allah will show the heart' and he asked about the meaning. And he answered, 'Those are referred to in this paragraph is a person who suffered the accident and know that comes from Allah, then he feels pleasure and surrender to Him. "Atsar was narrated by Ibn Jarir and Ibn Abi Hatim in in their interpretation. Jubayr ibn Sa'id ibn Hayyan and Muqatil when interpreting the verse, "ie, God will show the heart-so it can say istirja 'ie lillahi Inna wa inna ilaihi raji'un." (Tafseer al-Qur'an al-'Azhim [ 4 / 391] CET. Dar al-Fikr)

The wisdom behind disaster

Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "If God wants His servants to get the goodness of God segerakan for her punishment in the world. And if God wills evil for him, God shall withstand the punishment to be enhanced return later in the day of Judgement. "(Narrated by Tirmidhi, hadith hasan ghareeb, see as-Saheehah [1220])

In the hadith of the great Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam reported that there were times when the Almighty gave to the disaster of His believing servants in order to cleanse himself of the filth of sin has ever done for a living. This was so that later when he encounters God in akherat then progressively increase the load carrying light. Similarly, accidents sometimes God gives to some people but not because of love and glorification of Him to them, but in order to delay their sentences in the natural world, so that later on in akherat eventually they will regret it with a pile of sins that are so big and so heavy load who must bear when facing him. At that moment he would feel that he really deserves the punishment of Allah. God gives gifts to whomever by virtue of his and God also provides punishment for anyone with full justice. God does not need to be asked about what he did, but their servants that should be questioned about their deeds and behavior Busway (prepared from a description by Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abdul 'Aziz al-Qor'awi in al-Jadid fi Syarhi Book at -Tauhid, pp. 275)

Now that we know how wonderful patience, so now the question is: Have we patience to realize these values in our lives? Have we become impatient as the pillars of our happiness? Have patience coloring the liver, oral, and movements of our limbs?

tips pacaran dengan cara ajaran islam

Posted by hero's

Buat yang nyari Tips pacaran secara cara islam, bagaimana cara pacaran yang islami, ini dia tips yang Pacaran Islami.

1. Jangan berduaan dengan pacar di tempat sepi, kecuali ditemani mahram dari sang wanita (jadi bertiga)

“Tidaklah seorang lelaki bersepi-sepian (berduaan) dengan seorang perempuan melainkan setan yang ketiganya“ (HSR.Tirmidzi)

2. Jangan bersentuhan dengan pacar, jangan berpelukan, jangan meraba, jangan mencium, bahkan berjabat tangan juga tidak boleh, apalagi yang lebih dari sekedar jabat tangan

Rasulullahi Shallallahu ‘alaihi wassallam bersabda: “Sesungguhnya saya tidak berjabat tangan dengan wanita.” [HR Malik 2/982, Nasa’i 7/149, Tirmidzi 1597, Ibnu Majah 2874, ahmad 6/357, dll]

3. Jangan membicarakan/melakukan hal-hal yang membuat terjerumus kedalam zina

“Kedua tangan berzina dan zinanya adalah meraba, kedua kaki berzina dan zinanya adalah melangkah, dan mulut berzina dan zinanya adalah mencium.” (H.R. Muslim dan Abu Dawud)

4. Jangan berjalan-jalan dengan pacar ke tempat yang jauh kecuali si wanita ditemani mahramnya

“…..jangan bepergian dengan wanita kecuali bersama mahromnya….”[HR Bukhori: 3006,523, Muslim 1341]

5. Jangan pergi dengan pacar lebih dari 1 x 24jam kecuali si wanita ditemani mahramnya

“Tidak halal bagi wanita yang beriman kepada Allah dan hari akhir untuk bepergian sehari semalam tidak bersama mahromnya.” [HR Bukhori: 1088, Muslim 1339]

6. Jangan memandang aurat pacar, masing-masing harus memakai pakaian yang menutupi auratnya

“Katakanlah kepada orang-orang beriman laki-laki hendaklah mereka menahan pandangannya dan menjaga kemaluannya..” (Al Qur’an Surat An Nur ayat 30)

“…zina kedua matanya adalah memandang….” (H.R. Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud dan Nasa’i)

7. Jangan menunda-nunda menikah jika sudah saling merasa cocok

“Wahai para pemuda ! Barangsiapa diantara kalian berkemampuan untuk nikah, maka nikahlah, karena nikah itu lebih menundukan pandangan, dan lebih membentengi farji (kemaluan). Dan barangsiapa yang tidak mampu, maka hendaklah ia puasa (shaum), karena shaum itu dapat membentengi dirinya”. (Hadits Shahih Riwayat Ahmad, Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidzi, Nasa’i, Darimi, Ibnu Jarud dan Baihaqi).


sebenarnya banyak ulama dan ustadz yang mengharamkan pacaran, misalnya saja ustadz Muhammad Umar as Sewed. jadi sebaiknya segera menikahlah dan jangan berpacaran…

Bagi yang sudah terlanjur berbuat dosa maka bertaubatlah dengan sungguh-sunguh dan jangan putus asa, Allah pasti mengampuni hambanya yang bertaubat dan memohon ampun.

healthy and enjoyable leisure time.

Posted by hero's

Once Prophet told his friend, namely Ibn 'Abbas about the two kinds of pleasure that often make people forget, neglect, and fooled by it. Word of the Prophet, "a healthy condition and free time are the two blessings of Allah SWT give to humans, but often they forget."

There are two messages in the hadith. First, people should always address the circumstances they experienced as a blessing from Allah SWT. Therefore, it must realize that something must be done as a form of our gratitude to Allah SWT. When healthy, in fact we were reprimanded for always remembering that the health care provided is an incredible blessing. Thus, we will always use this health has been given for use in improving our obedience to Allah SWT.

Secondly, people should take the opportunity or the leisure time to do positive things for themselves and beneficial for others. Most people are too busy with worldly affairs, so forget about those things related to the afterlife. As if there was no time to worship Allah, but just no time for worldly material gain alone.

Health and opportunity are two things that often make people forget Allah and negligence. This is presumably a prominent cleric, is Ibn al-Jauzi, he says, "Sometimes a man is healthy, but do not have spare time because of preoccupations with world affairs. There also have free time, but not healthy. ". When two things have on human beings, it makes them reluctant to obey God, this is the people who called maghbun.

Intelligent human beings who will understand it all as a very great pleasure of Allah given to him. Based on that drive us to the more obedient to God. Owned health and opportunity should be used as well as possible so that we have the best equipped in the Hereafter.

Be careful to Frequently Masturbation.

Posted by hero's

Most of us admit it? assumed that masturbation was normal,''healthy habits "in life. But if it is excessive is still not well done. Which became an important question is, how many times is said to excessive masturbation? For you or your partner do it several times a week do not have to read this article.
Who need to read are those who perform the service department several times a day, every day!
Excessive masturbation, even into compulsive patterns, can have a negative impact on psychological imbalance
and physical. Some scholars suggest that the men keep their ejaculation frequency only be a few times a week. ? However, for those who are sexually active, either intimate with your spouse and to masturbate also, so that ejaculate several times a day may not believe these suggestions. But believe me, the study shows that excessive ejaculation is not recommended. What happens if masturbation is too often? According to experts, sex, excessive masturbation can stimulate the parasympathetic nervous function / acetylcholine.

This can lead to excessive stimulation produces sex hormones and neurotransmitters like more? cetylcholine, dopamine and serotonin yangmenyebabkan changes in body chemistry. ? Side effects of chemical changes
body manifest in fatigue, hair loss, memory loss, blurred vision and pain in the testicles. Excessive masturbation suppress the nervous system and liver function, which will lead to sexual exhaustion, especially on the young males. This includes the occurrence of erectile dysfunction or impotence in men before they were approaching sexual maturity. Semen leakage, sperm discharge from the penis without an erection, is depicted as another common problem associated with excessive masturbation. Ih, spooky. This is a sign that
nerves that control ejaculation valve weakened because too often over-used and received excitatory.
The other extreme case, if associated with physical problems, excessive desire to masturbate complicate your relationship with work and family, just like alcohol or gambling addiction. Anyway preoccupied with themselves and indifferent to the world around them. How do I stop masturbating? The first thing to do is reduce the frequency. for some people, this is a difficult thing to do. But it is not impossible if there is a strong determination not it?
If the self can not, ask for advice from sex experts, or join the "club" which has a similar problem and wanted to escape the noose "addiction" to masturbate. You can listen to their stories and perhaps find a technique to reduce the urge''supermarket "from its friends in the same boat. But if talking on the club
seems a shame, just go to sex therapists. No attempt shame, the therapists were already accustomed to dealing with this problem. You are not the first, nor the last.
Diposkan oleh z31n di 05:15 0 komentar


Posted by hero's

AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) is a symptom of declining human immune system caused by HIV virus

HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is a collection of micro-organisms that attack the human immune system.


HIV found in the human body. In large quantities, is found in blood, vaginal fluid and sperm. In small amounts, contained in breast milk, saliva, tears and urine.

HIV damages the white blood that plays an important role in maintaining immunity. With the reduced number of healthy white blood cells, immune system will decline. By decreasing the immune response, a mild disease to others, could cause death for HIV-infected oarng AIDS.
The spread of HIV / AIDS can strike anyone, men, women, old, young, rich, poor, even babies can become infected with HIV AIDS.

HIV is a person who has been infected with HIV but still look healthy. AIDS patients are infected with HIV who had shown symptoms of AIDS.

There are several stages that will be experienced by a person when infected with HIV AIDS. Initial symptoms of common flu will recover within a few days later. Blood tests showed that there was still unable to HIV (negative).

On stage after passing the incubation period 20-10 years of HIV-infected person will experience prolonged fever, decreased appetite, diarrhea constantly for no apparent reason, red patches of the skin rash, weight decrease drastically.

Symptoms nd phase of the immune system declines, HIV develops into AIDS. AIDS symptoms that appear in the form of inflammation of the lungs, inflammation of the digestive tract, skin cancer, inflammation due to pathogens in the mouth and throat, neurological disorders, tuberculosis. Generally about 1-2 years after symptoms appear patients died of AIDS

AIDS HIV transmission:
HIV-AIDS can be spread by someone who is infected with HIV and AIDS sufferers. Most likely derived from HIV transmission is still looking healthy. There are several ways of transmission of HIV AIDS among others:

1. Sexual relations with HIV infected people.

HIV is generally found in blood, semen and vaginal fluids. When one 3D-tattoos-001satu from couples who have sexual relations that are infected with HIV, the virus will spread through the small wound that occurred during intercourse. One-time sexual intercourse with someone infected with HIV, fatal consequences. Male or female, the same risk. Sexual relations conducted in the menstrual period increase the likelihood of someone infected with HIV. The opening of the blood vessels, facilitate entry of HIV into the body.

2. Transfusion of contaminated blood that has HIV.

Blood containing HIV blood will automatically mencamari patient / recipient. When this happens, patients are directly infected with HIV.

3. Prick / scratch tubtuh with HIV-contaminated instruments.

Sunti needle, piercing tool, tattoo needle, or razor blades as a medium of transmission of HIV, when previously used by HIV. Virus was left on the equipment will enter the bloodstream are wearing them. Therefore, familiarize memekai needles, piercing tool, tattoo needle or a disposable razor.

4. From an infected mother to the fetus.

Mothers living with HIV, the virus spread through the umbilical cord / placenta during pregnancy. Transmission can also occur through injuries during delivery.

HIV-AIDS prevention.

Given that until now have not found the drug to cure AIDS, then only pencegahanlah effort we can do to avoid HIV infection.

Make a sexual relationship with a secure way.

* Better sex is only done by our partners, and strive to always be loyal to him.
* Use a condom if because of something or another, you have sex with another person, or with high risk behavior like-:
# Women / men who certainly often changed genti couples in sexual relationships, such as prostitutes, etc. Gigolo.
# Those people with deviant sexual behavior, such as gays, lesbians, or transsexuals.
# Addicts often consume narcotic drugs by injection.

* Blood transfusion should always be tested first.
# Since a few years ago, the blood that will be given to the individual patient, always on the HIV test. However, to avoid the worst, blood transfusion should be done only when absolutely necessary.
# Avoid the use of injecting equipment, or equipment used cuckur.
+ If you are injected, pierced, tattooed, always use sterile needles that are still. Similarly, if you shave, use a disposable razor. Never once mamakai equipment with others. Remember look beyond healthy does not mean free of HIV.
# Women who are infected with HIV, should not become pregnant.
+ Pregnancy is a mother's rights. But when the mother's blood had been infected with HIV, should not become pregnant than have given birth to a baby who was also living with HIV.

Various methods above can prevent HIV transmission. But the success or failure largely depends on how big your consciousness in its application in everyday situations. What is clear for a better life. HAVE YOU DARE TO SAY "NO" TO THE FREE SEX AND DRUGS.

"REMEMBER THERE ARE NOT cure AIDS, BUT could have been avoided"

efficacy of a pumpkin.

Posted by hero's

Chayote / manisah / jipang pumpkin / pumpkin siamese or Sechium edule is a species of the tribe-pumpkin Labuan edible fruits and young shoots. These plants include vines that can grow on land or highland plain, without much need special care. This plant grows above ground rather climbing vine with fruit that hang from the leaf stalk with a triangle shape and slightly hairy leaf surfaces. Squash contains a lot of sap and substances such as proteins, fats, calcium, phosphorus and iron.

Based on the appearance of the fruit, chayote is divided into two varieties, namely varieties of squash and pumpkin varieties of wine. Squash varieties have large fruit size, can be harvested at the stadium was old enough to vegetable material or staging very young (baby) as raw fresh vegetables. Pumpkin wine varieties have small fruit size, generally harvested at a very young stage (baby) to be used as fresh vegetables.

Chayote Usefulness:

1. Heal bleeding gums. Grate squash previously been washed, then give 2 tablespoons of boiled water and 1 tablespoon of honey. Squeeze and strain, drink 3 times daily as needed.
2. Sprue overcome by eating fruit as a side dish of squash or eaten raw as fresh vegetables.
3. Chayote be able to eliminate the black line at the heels, the way by rubbing sap chayote black stripes on the heel. Wait until dry and then open slowly.
4. Healthy food for the heart and able to ward off cancer.
5. Chayote fruit have good fiber content (ie 1.7 grams per 100 grams) is very good to deal with constipation and safe for sensitive stomach or intestinal inflammation. Dietary fiber may reduce the risk of cancer caused by the digestive system is not perfect.
6. Folic acid in squash is very important for pregnant women because it can reduce the risk of birth defects.
7. Potassium-rich squash is good for the body to control blood pressure, high blood therapy, and clean carbon dioxide in the blood. Potassium is also beneficial to the working muscles and trigger ganglion. High potassium will also facilitate the delivery of oxygen to the brain and help to facilitate fluid balance, so the body becomes more fresh.
8. Chayote containing a high vitamin components that are part of the vitamin B complex known as vitamin B3, is used to decrease the production of VLDL (very low density lipoprotein) cholesterol in the liver, so the production of LDL cholesterol (low density lipoprotein) and triglycerides can be decreased.
9. Squash is rich in vitamin B6 has a key role in protein metabolism. Vitamin B6 is very essential to the process of transamination and deamination and decarboxylation of amino acids.
10. Chayote has a diuretic effect, so as to reduce salt levels in the blood through urine disposal. Reduced levels of salt that is absorbed or holding water will lighten the work of the heart in pumping blood, so blood pressure goes down.
11. Chayote is also very good for gout sufferers. Diuretic effect of chayote will launch a small drainage, so that excess uric acid can be immediately removed from the body.
12. Chayote is also good for diabetics
13. In squash also contains tannins which are anti-microbial component, and the alkaloid that is able to expedite the circulation of blood thereby preventing the stroke.
14. Chayote has been known as a hemorrhoid medicine.
15. High water content in squash makes it very good to maintain healthy kidneys. Squash also contain saponin which is very useful component for the body. Saponin content is very useful to deter and prevent the absorption of cholesterol in the blood. Average consumption of saponin which is recommended is 15 mg every day.